The Truth Will Set You Free


The Truth

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him,  “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 (ESV)


            It is election season now. We have about 2 weeks until the election and the candidates are making their final appeal to the voters. We hear conflicting positions, and it is hard to tell who is telling the truth and who is not. As Christians we are called to discern the truth and in discerning that truth, we will be set free by Jesus. But how do we know what the truth is, how can we tell truth from error?

            We must use the straight edge of scripture to determine truth from error. Something that is true must correspond with reality. Someone says the grass is green we look and see that in fact the grass is green we know we have been told the truth. Anything else would be error. Telling the truth is telling the way things truly are. Error does not correspond with reality.

            Not all things are as easily determined as our green grass example. In fact, there are some things that are merely tastes. For example, one person likes chocolate ice cream, and another likes strawberry ice cream. There is no point in arguing over which flavor of ice cream is the best it is just a matter of personal taste. The trick is to determine which things are objective truth and those that are in the realm of personal taste. Determining the difference between objective facts and personal tastes as Jesus says above will, “set us free”.

            Knowing what the truth of a matter is gives us courage to express our thoughts on a given subject. Knowing whether it is a matter of taste or a matter of fact gives us wisdom to know whether we should stand firm in our position or simply chalk our disagreement up to a matter of taste and let it go at that.

            For example, we have a debate over wearing masks. There seem to be reasonable people on both sides of the debate. I am afraid there is no real consensus on whether one should wear a mask in public. I am on the side of wearing masks as I think they provide some measure of protection, but I am not willing to argue with someone whether masks should be worn and when.

            On the other hand, there are topics like abortion, capitalism vs. socialism, etc. where there is more than mere opinion that can be expressed. There are two sides each contending that their truth is the only truth. We must examine them at a later time. For now, let us pray:

            Holy God teach us to dig into your word for the truth of the issues that confront us this election season. Let our thoughts and words be seasoned with your grace and truth. Help us to seek unity where it may be found and seek to live peaceably with our neighbors. May we do what is right as God gives us the ability to see what is right. To God be the glory. Amen


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