Perfect Love

Scripture: 1 John 4:18

18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. (ESV)


            Those of us who claimed the name of Jesus as Lord must refuse to live in fear during these times of pandemic and social unrest. Jesus says in John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (ESV) In this verse Jesus is practically guaranteeing that we as Christians will have trouble. However, we should not be afraid because Jesus has overcome the world.

            God has always walked with His people. He told Joshua to be of good courage as he led Israel across the Jordan river into the promised land. Many times, throughout the Bible God has told his people not to be afraid. So, God tells us through the word that we need not be afraid today. This does not mean that we are called to act foolishly. We need to wear our masks, practice social distancing, practice good hygiene. It does not mean that we must be emotionally distant from those around us who need our time and attention. Or that we should be masked emotionally so that no one around us knows how we feel.

             Spiritually we must remain available for God’s use. Our souls will become dry and parched as the Sahara Desert if we in any way sever or block our communication with God. Jesus has told us in John’s gospel that he is the vine, and we are the branches apart from the life-giving connection with Jesus we are spiritually dead. We dare not attempt any spiritual work apart from Jesus. If we attempt it, it will surely end in dismal failure.

            Therefore, let us live a life of connection with the Savior. Let us be diligent in caring for the souls around us who are in desperate need of God’s love shown through us. In the great plagues of the middle ages Christians were known for being brave enough to deal with the sickness and death that surrounded them. Forsaking even their own safety to care for others. Let us not be so afraid of others that we forsake caring for other so that we might be safe. God will protect us and even if he does not there is a greater witness in selfless service to others in Jesus name.


Holy God, we come before you as a sick and hurting world. Guide and protect us as we seek to work out your love in this world. Forgive us for our cowardice. Embolden us to seek your good in and for this world. Grant us a heart of wisdom so that we might be a light in the dark places of our world. Amen


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