A Chosen People
Scripture 1 Peter 2:9-10
you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own
possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of
darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are
God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
We Christians sometimes act as if we
are powerless over the world. Just having to go along with whatever the world
sends our way. But Peter here reminds us that we are chosen by God to be a
light in this dark world. We are to be a holy nation in the midst of an unholy
world. We should not be surprised that the world does not appreciate our living
as God’s own people. We are light and we expose the darkness of this world
system. Would that our lives shine brighter for the world is very dark.
As I have been doing my devotions in
the morning the sky is just beginning to have the light of dawn. Darkness in
the sky is beginning to retreat and the sky is beginning to blaze with the light
of day. I thank God for the beginning of the day and pray that Christians
everywhere will be like the dawn and burst forth upon this world. May we
proclaim the message of salvation with our lives each new day. Realizing that
we are entrusted with a faith that can shine as the sun at noonday if we will only
let it shine.
Let us not complain that the world
is dark. Instead let us proclaim that light is in the world. May our faith,
hope, and love burn brightly across this nation and all nations where God’s
people reside. Since we have received mercy let us show forth mercy to a broken
and discouraged world.
Help us to realize that among
all our differences of denomination and practice that we are called to be one
holy nation, one holy church, that is united in proclaiming the love of Christ
to a broken and hurting world. Let us proclaim Christ crucified, raised and
exalted to a world where all love seems wasted, debased, and worthless. Help us
to function as a royal priesthood that redeems the sins, hurts, and disappointments
of this world with the shed blood of Christ on Calvary. And let us remind the
world that the grave is not the end because of the empty tomb of that first Easter.
Lord of heaven and earth instill in
us the everlasting hope that through Jesus Christ all things can be made new.
Let us work to bring about your kingdom on earth. By our actions and our words
may we testify to the newness of your love in us. A love that rejects hate and
self-centeredness. Instead opens the possibility of love and devotion to our
fellow people. Grant us humility and grace that we may truly love one another.
To the glory of your name. Amen
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