The Flying Kitten

Scripture: Psalm 84:3 (NRSV)
3 Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young,
at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
my King and my God.

            Hi, my name is Felix and I am a kitten. One day I saw this tree and I thought it would be a great idea to climb it. So up, and up I went until I got so high that looking down made me very scared. So scared I couldn’t even move. I stayed up there for a long time.
            Then a person came along. I think they were trying to help me get down from the tree but they couldn’t reach me. The person tried climbing the tree but the tree couldn’t support them. The person then tried to bend the tree by hand but I was still too high to be reached. Then the person disappeared into his house for a while.
            When he came out he had something that looked like a ball of string. He tied one end of the string to the tree and another to his car. Then he started to try to bend the tree over that way. I was getting very scared. And then it happened. The string must have snapped.
            The next thing I know I am flying through the air. I have never been so afraid in my whole life. I thought for sure I was going to die. When I finally landed there was a little girl kneeling right there with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes when she heard me hit the ground and a huge smile came across her face.
            She picked me up and petted me and she told me I was the answer to her prayers. She took me inside to show me to her mother who was amazed by the story her daughter told her. Her mother said I was the answer to prayer too. They treated me so nice. They fed me and gave me milk to drink. I completely forgot about how scared I had been a few minutes ago.
            Being just a little kitten I’m not sure what being an answer to prayer is, but I’m glad I am one. I think I have found a forever home. My little girl loves me so much I couldn’t be any happier. I love my new home.

Moral of the story: God knows where you are going to land no matter how you get knocked “out of your tree”. God’s love goes ahead of you to prepare your landing.

Prayer: Lord, when we get knocked out of our trees help us to trust that your love goes ahead of us. No matter how hard our landing is God will always be there to pick us up and love us. Help us, Lord to believe that. Amen

(Special thanks to Rev. Cindy Marino for her telling this story from the human point of view.)


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