Broken Saints and Broken Sinners

We are like a broken stain glass window. We saints and sinners are lying on the floor. Broken shards of glass mixed together and spread out across the floor. Our sharp edges rub against each other and in so doing either sharpen or dull our own pain.

Among the shards of glass you may see a glimmer of some saint from long ago. Perhaps you see a piece of Ruth or Esther, or Daniel or Moses. Almost certainly you can find a fragment of the cross. But you might catch a glimpse of Rahab or Tamar, Sampson or a fleeting reflection of David with Bathsheba lying among us broken on the floor.

We are saints and sinners broken by the living of this life. Some day our Maker will come and restore us to the fullness and beauty of a life together as a stain glass window of God’s love. Until then our glory can only be imagined as our brokenness is kissed by God’s Son light streaming down on us as we sit broken on the floor.


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