Transgenderism letter


This is a copy of my letter to my senators, representative, and President Biden.

January 15, 2024

Dear President Biden, Senators T. Duckworth, R. Durbin, and Representative D. LaHood

            I am writing to you because I am concerned about the situation affecting our children and grandchildren, namely transitioning them from one gender to another. This nation must adjust course concerning these “interventions” because they are dangerous, irreversible, and life-changing. Our country should not be permitting these procedures on minor children under any circumstances. We must also make sure that adults who seek this care are given informed consent as to the risks versus benefits of sex reassignment treatments.

            There are many drawbacks to gender-affirming care for minors. Besides the loss of any ability to give or receive sexual pleasure and sterility these treatments cause, there are social and psychological effects that we have no way of identifying because these treatments are so new and relatively rare. We, as parents, must give the school permission to give our child Tylenol or other medication at school. What sense does it make for these same children to seek and receive “gender-affirming” care without parental notification?

            We do not practice affirming care for other body dysmorphic conditions. A child with anorexia will never be advised to go on and starve themselves to death because they believe that they are too fat. The data from studies show that gender dysmorphia usually resolves once puberty is complete. If we affirmed our children in dangerous physical undertakings like jumping off the roof because they believe they can fly, the children would be removed from the home.

            If we believed everything that five-year-olds said they wanted to do with their lives, we would have (in the words of one late-night TV host) a nation of cowboys and princesses. Children do not possess the cognitive ability to see that they might desire children and family in what to them is the distant future. Children are already known to lack fear of dangerous situations. We do not let them drive cars or own firearms because they simply do not realize the possibility of harm that these activities entail.

            It is simply not possible for young children to make mature and informed decisions about their lives. Even with parental consent, we should protect these little ones' lives. All people seeking this type of care should undergo a thorough psychiatric screening, both children and adults. The suicide rate among individuals with these conditions is too high. We must do everything medically and psychologically possible to mitigate this risk. These children are our future, and we should protect them from self-harm by making sure that there are no psychological conditions that may be exacerbating their feelings of dysmorphia.

            The treatments, ranging from social transitioning to sex change surgeries, have no long-term track record of safety. We are essentially gambling with our children’s future. We hope against hope that these procedures will magically make these kids feel better both in the short term and the long term. We have no idea what harm may be caused to these people in the future.

            In addition, the medical establishment cannot be trusted to act in our children’s best interest. You see, once a child starts down the road to gender transition, they become a patient for life. Requiring drug and surgical interventions forever. While I certainly have confidence that most doctors (like my son) would never do anything that would intentionally harm a patient. Healthcare companies are businesses, and they must look out for their bottom line. The potential income to be gained is astronomical, and it is difficult for some people to see beyond the dollar signs.

            Caring for one another has always been an American value. To care appropriately for our children, we must minimize the potential damage in this situation. Other European countries have pulled back from aggressively treating their children because of the ill effects these treatments cause. We should learn from their mistakes and be cautious in the treatments we allow our children to undergo.

            I am not a politician or a policymaker, so I do not know the precise language necessary in these situations. I only know that we must find workable solutions to treat our children with compassion and love.

            Finally, I must lay all my cards on the table and admit that I am an evangelical Christian with an MA and PhD in Theology. The Bible is my final authority on what should be permitted and not permitted. Genesis states that God made Adam and Eve male and female. God makes no mistakes. Therefore, we must act with extra caution whenever we propose something that goes against His word. This violates God’s creation ordinance. Transgenderism denies God’s good creation and says that people know better than God what Sex they are. I am afraid that they will not be happy with the eternal result when they meet their creator.

            I am confident you want the best for all of God’s children. Unrestrained gender transitioning is not God’s best for these children. We must treat these children with compassion and care. There are no quick and easy fixes for these conditions. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones only cover up the symptoms of more profound physical and emotional disorders. We must dedicate ourselves to helping our children and their doctors work together to discover the roots of their pain and anguish with better and more compassionate treatments.

Peace & blessings,

Dr. John Haselton ThD


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