Shout to the Lord

Scripture: Psalm 66:1-4 (NIV)

Shout for joy to God, all the earth!

2     Sing the glory of his name;

make his praise glorious.

Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!

So great is your power

that your enemies cringe before you.

All the earth bows down to you;

they sing praise to you,

they sing the praises of your name.




            We look today at a psalm of thanksgiving. In a world that seems headed for conflict and destruction this psalm holds out hope for God’s ultimate victory over the forces of chaos and violence which fill our world. We, too often, fall prey to the voices around us that tell us that gloom and darkness are our fate. The anonymous writer of this psalm declares to us a different fate. This prayer begs us to lift our eyes and see that the Lord is doing a new thing among us.


            The psalmist declares that eventually all people on the earth will bow and worship the creator God. Whether we bow freely or under compulsion that choice is ours to make. Presently the church of Christ is in retreat at least here in the West. We should fight against despair and pessimism. We must learn to live in the confidence of ultimate victory through the blood of God’s dear Son. The psalmist knew nothing of Jesus when this piece was written. Nevertheless, he saw that God would triumph at the end of the world.


            How much more can we who have received the promise rejoice in this great salvation? We who can see the way God has worked through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus ought to be always filled with praise. The rest of psalm 66 repeats the refrain of praise to God over and over again. Open the eyes of our hearts that we may behold your great salvation. May we be always filled with praise and in all circumstances. Let us lift a song of praise right now.




            We come rejoicing before you today dear Lord. We are not blind to the suffering and hurt that lies all around us, however, we have a glorious hope within us that will not be denied. We worship you at all times and in all places. You are our mighty deliverer. We have heard of the salvation which you have provided for us, and we are thankful. Glory be to our God forever and ever. Amen.


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