Jesus is Alive!!!

Scripture: Revelation 1:17-18 (ESV)

17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, 18 and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.


            We have just celebrated Easter Sunday. Now we need to live an Easter faith. We need to take a minute to let the true meaning of this day sink into our minds, and souls. As we see in the scripture above to actually see Jesus as he really is, in all his heavenly glory, should cause us to faint with fear. To see and believe that Jesus is raised from the dead is a difficult but necessary thing for us to do as Christians. If we can just have faith as big as a mustard seed, we can experience the wonder of our sin being washed away forever.

            If we genuinely believe and have been changed by an Easter faith our lives must be different. Nothing will be able to stop us from living and telling the world about our Jesus and his love for all people. If our lives truly reflect our salvation, then our witness to the Easter miracle will be genuine.

            We should never become so comfortable as Christians that we miss the wonder of the Easter message. One can never fully describe the change a resurrection life can bring to a person. Nothing can stand in our way if such a faith is ours. It is a faith where the timid become bold, the apathetic become caring, and the lost become found by Jesus and his love. The Easter message is one of true and lasting joy. The world will sit up and take notice of a church that lives and preaches that message of new life in Christ.

            In today’s world, living out the new life that we are called to, will stand out like a full moon in a clear night sky. To daily share the love of Christ with our friends and neighbors will get us noticed. As the world seeks power through political and military might. Those who seek to serve the poor, and the helpless with hearts full of the love and compassion of Christ will stand out in bold contrast.

            So, let us meditate on what the Lord would have us do to live out our joy through our faith.


            Lord, quiet our hearts in this time of prayer and meditation. Fill us with your Holy Spirit as we seek to become living vessels filled with God’s love. Let your love flow into us so that we can spread that love to those around us. Never let us be empty vessels again. Keep our hearts centered in your love. May we always be ready to bring peace and love to your world. Glorify your name through our lives. Amen. 


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