Thanksgiving 2020


Thanksgiving with the Virus

Scripture Psalms 107:21-22

21     Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,

for his wondrous works to the children of man!

22     And let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving,

and tell of his deeds in songs of joy![1]



This thanksgiving will be unlike any other we have experienced in our lifetimes. Families will be asked to not visit each other for fear of making some one sick with this virus. We will be able to contact each other via zoom or other computer programs. Somehow, we must get used to life in the pandemic affected world. What in the world do we have to be thankful for in this world wracked with illness? Perhaps the ancient Israelites can teach us a thing or two about giving thanks when all seemed lost.

The Jewish people were well acquainted with adversity. Whether war, famine, plague they had endured it all. Yet despite their hardships they always found a way to be thankful. We are not sure of the precise trials that resulted in this song of thanksgiving. All we can no for sure is that God had delivered them from their trials, and they were incredibly grateful.

But how can we be thankful in the midst of our trials? We need to bring to mind the deliverance that God has accomplished in our own life and pray that God would again deliver us and be thankful in advance of our deliverance. We can be grateful that there are vaccines that look very promising. We can be thankful that there are treatments that appear to be effective in treating the virus. We can be grateful for the means to see those we love if only on a screen of some type. We can be thankful that God has kept us safe from Covid so far.

Yes, this virus is horrible, but God is in control and no virus is as strong as his loving care for his people. “If [we] walk through the valley of death, [we] will fear no evil for you are with [us] your rod and staff they comfort [us].” (Psalm 23:4) And for that we will praise him and give thanks with our whole being. Even if the whole world gets sick from this illness, God’s loving power will save us in the end!

So, no matter how you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, remind yourself to be profoundly grateful. Keep in mind those who are in isolation whether it be a nursing homes or quarantine due to the illness. Be thankful for their lives and let them know somehow that you are thinking of them and you are grateful for them.

Let us pray a prayer of thanksgiving:

Mighty and merciful God, we give you thanks for all that you are doing in our world. Even though you seem to be absent in many ways we know that you are working all things together for our good. For the progress on vaccines and therapeutics we give you thanks. Most of all we give you thanks for your son Jesus and what he did on the cross for us. Thank you, God, for you are good and your mercy endures forever. Amen.

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Ps 107:19–22.


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