Learning to do Good

Scripture Isaiah 1:17

learn to do good;

       seek justice,

correct oppression;

       bring justice to the fatherless,

plead the widow’s cause


            As we approach another presidential election cycle the candidates are coming out of the woodwork. We would do well to follow Isaiah’s prescription above. While all the candidates would give mental assent to this scripture, and only God can judge their hearts, we can learn something from their actions. Those actions betray a favoritism toward the big money large firms. To make that worse the big money continues to move jobs overseas, raising prices of everything from groceries to prescription drugs all to the harm of lower income people

            Notice that the scripture begins with the verb “learn”. God knows that we in our own flesh we will likely fail. Having the reigns of power tend to corrupt even the purest of souls. We must, therefore, seek to contact with our legislators letting them know that we are watching and waiting for good to be done, justice to come rushing down like a river, relief for the oppressed, and care to be extended to the orphan and the widow.

            These are things we each must learn to do by studying God’s word and applying it to our daily lives. I have discovered how difficult it can be to do these things on a daily basis. You see I live in a low income/disabled/elderly facility. I constantly learn from them what it means to live as those outside the bright lights of public view.

            When I first moved to the apartment where I live, I started a Bible Study. We had five or six steady attenders. That number dwindled as 3 went home to be with the Lord and the remaining ones moved on to places where they could receive a higher level of nursing care. The Bible study literally died out around me. I am currently looking for new people but most of the people I approach are not interested. But God is faithful and will provide what God wants in Gods own timing.


            Lord make us willing students. May we be ready to learn your ways and obey your commands. Teach us to trust in your promise: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. (Matthew 7.7)


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