Are You the Salt of the Earth?
Scripture Matthew 5:13
13 “You are the salt
of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be
restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and
trampled under people’s feet.
All of us who were
raised “in the church” know this scripture. Salt makes a great preservative. In
Jesus day when there was no refrigeration food was preserved with salt. So, it
is to be with the church. We are called to be the preservative in our culture. The
thing which keeps culture from decaying. A look around at today’s world shows
us how badly we have missed the mark in this regard. I am afraid we have
greatly reduced our role in the world to where we are no longer performing this
vital function.
Many individual
churches and sometimes entire denominations have tried to be like sugar to the
world. Sure, you can attract more people with sugar than with salt, but as
Jesus said that is not our mission in the world. We sometimes water down God’s
word to make it more attractive to the culture. Adding sugar to food improves
the taste in the short term but hastens decay in the long term. We may get more
people in the pews in the short run, but they will soon get tired of religion
that only makes them fat and happy for the moment.
We need to get
back to being salt. We may miss out on filling stadiums with people but the
people who are there get fed a healthier diet and are more likely to last for
the long term. The scriptures preservative effect will keep their spiritual “blood
sugar” at a more stable level. I was recently hospitalized and one thing that
worried my doctor was the fact my blood sugar was unstable, one time it would
be high the next time low. Finally, we got it stabilized and my doctor and I
felt much better. The church must get off its sugar high and start acting more
like salt. It may not result in the need for overflow seating or adding another
service, but it will make the people in the pews much more stable and less
likely to “spoil”.
God will be pleased
as his church grows and is healthy rather than a whole stadium full of people
who are just there for the sweetness and leave as soon as a “salty” word is
preached from the pulpit. And soon the whole batch is good for nothing but to
be “trampled under people’s feet.
Lord make us salty. We want to be a
preservative for people’s souls not sugar for their bellies. Show us how to be
salty again. We want to reach the world for you show us your plan for church
growth. Don’t leave us on the ground to be trampled underfoot. Lift our faces
to the light of your glory so that we may reflect that glory to those around
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