Equal in the Faith

Scripture: 2 Peter 1-2 (ESV)

Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ,

To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.



        Today’s word from 2 Peter is a great encouragement to the church. According to Peter we, through no action of our own, have obtained equal standing with Peter through faith and righteousness. The purpose of this statement was intended to raise up the level of the average believer to that of the Apostle Peter.

        So often we get discouraged and think we are of no use to the Lord. The Holy Spirit through the pen of Peter would beg to differ with that assessment. Our faith is just as good as Peter’s because of the action of the Holy Spirit within us when we believed.

        We, therefore, are called to let God do through us the things God did through Peter and the other apostles. We may think of healing, teaching, or even raising the dead. However, the main thing we are called to do is love like the apostles. If we could let God love others through us the same way God loved others through the apostles we would see great things achieved in the name of Christ.

        So on this day when the church celebrates the ascension of Jesus Christ to the Father. Let us pray that God would let that same love that was in Jesus Christ fill us and overflow to our neighbor and even our enemies. Let us see the kindom of God expanded by this love.



        Dear Lord, fill us anew this day with your love. May the God of all hope be our hope for this world that we live in. Teach us to trust in you to be the source and fountain of all of our love today. In Jesus name we ask it, Amen


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