Focus on the Important Things

In a few hours or a few days the Supreme Court will make announcements on some very controversial cases. Gay Marriage among other things appears to hang in the balance. And balance is the very thing I want to address today. When the cases were argued earlier the entire internet seemed to turn into a vast ocean of commentary for and against.

Matthew 22:36–38 (NRSV)
36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to him, “‘you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment.

            If we do not keep God first in our hearts during times of dispute and anger we run the risk of losing our witness for Jesus. If people look at us and see only what we support or what we don’t support they miss seeing in us the one thing that Jesus says they should see. They miss our total and complete love for God and devotion to God.
            Jesus did not just say this once. He repeated it a number of times and in different ways. Search the New Testament to see if this is true or not. Jesus talks about God loving the world so much that God sent Jesus into the world not to condemn the world but to save it. Not that he cares that much about the earth itself God can create another earth with one word; no God is talking about us creatures. God cares immensely for us and wants us to return that love in worship and prayer every day.

Matthew 22:39–40 (NRSV)
39 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

The second part of our balancing act is spelled out in these two short verses. Once the internet and media begin to repeat these sensational stories over and over again the true danger begins. There will be a terrible temptation to begin to feel animosity and even hatred toward those with whom we disagree.
To the outside world watching and judging the church based on our actions. Our unloving response to this can make us look hypocritical. Some of the views expressed may be totally repugnant to the Christian world view, but even so our response must be love. This loving response will not be easy, but compared to what Jesus suffered on the cross it is a piece of cake.

I challenge us not to forget verse 40. Upon our loving response hang all the law and the prophets. If we are not able to obey these commandments then our witness is ruined. No one will believe our teachings because we will have proved by our actions that we don’t believe in them either. Let us put on the full armor of God that we may be able to stand in these trying times.


            Almighty God, keep us focused on these your two most important commandments. Help us to obey them in the face of fierce and overwhelming opposition. If we are oppressed let us suffer that oppression for Christ’s sake. Help us to remember that your whole church hangs in the balance and depends on your Holy Spirit empowered love to answer the call of these times. Amen. 


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