May Fellowship Message
In my young career as a preacher I have already had several
opportunities to preach a final sermon. I do not keep a “canned” sermon ready
to preach at the end of a season of preaching. Every situation is different.
Every congregation needs a different message. I stand here today not knowing if
we will be able to continue this monthly time of fellowship next year or not. I
sincerely hope we will be able to continue, but the future is not clear at this
The words that God has given me for this time focus on the relationship that Jesus wants to have with each of us from this point on. Many teachers of ancient religions would never have called their followers friends. Jesus was obviously different. He wanted his original followers to be called friends and he wants to call us friends. Why would the God of all creation insist on calling us friends?
I believe the
answer is in the scripture for today. The Christian religion is based on love
in a way that no other world religion is. It is God who initiates that love for
us. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures our God guides the nation of Israel. God
sometimes punishes them when they turn and worship idols, but God always waits
for them to return to him. Much like the Father in the parable of the Prodigal
Son, God waits for us to return again to seek God’s love. God never withholds
the best from his people.
That includes
in today’s scripture where Jesus speaks of laying down one’s life for ones
friends. Jesus is preparing his disciples for his own crucifixion. When God
will give his very best, God’s only son, in order to free us from sin and
death. This is the amazing Good News I am called to preach. That our God is so
awesome and amazing and God’s love for us is so strong and everlasting that
there is no cost or expense too high for God to pay to ransom the lost children
of Adam and Eve.
Grace, the
unmerited favor of God surrounds us as we consider the work of the crucifixion,
resurrection, ascension, and glorification of Jesus. Our hearts must beat with
the same love for Jesus that Jesus showed for us upon that cross. That
fantastic love and amazing grace must propel us to act toward others in acts of
service and love.
My hope for
each of us as we leave this place tonight is that we will love one another, just
as Jesus has loved us. Nothing else is strong enough to keep us together as a
community. Only the love of God shared between friends and neighbors will
sustain us in every and any circumstance. As we remember the work of Christ as
we celebrate the Lord’s Table tonight. This table is open to all who know Jesus
as their savior and lord. Come friends let us prepare for the feast of God. May
this celebration remind us of the mighty acts of Jesus until he in his great
love comes to bring us home. Amen.
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