How We Got Where We Are
I heard several talking heads on a cable news outlet discussing the situation in America with the series of murders that have happened. These highly educated news people could not agree on what the root cause of all the violence was. Some blamed race relations, another deteriorating families, another guns, and on and on they went. All they were doing was listing the symptoms of the decay that has been plaguing America and the west for many decades now. These folks overlook the simple fact that has contributed to the decaying of America. The fact that we kicked God out of our country decades ago and now we who have sown the wind are reaping the whirlwind. You really can't expect folks to have a respect for their own lives let alone the lives of others if they do not believe that they are creatures created by God. If they do not believe that there is any plan for their lives and will not have to face eventual judgment for the acts they commit. A bad act is no different from a go...